It's Monday.
Not the most fun day. I had a 9 am dentist appointment, and a trip to the PO after.
Eh. It was okay. I wish dental work was free. I use my Care Credit card for my appointments. It has a very low interest and can only be used for medical work and some vets take it too.
I wish it was free...
Anyway, I don't want to talk about the dentist.
Um...it's almost Christmas! Holy cow! 10 days! :)
We aren't really doing anything fun. We are staying home this year because we can't afford to travel. Anywhere. It should be fun. We might go see a movie, and of course lots of food to be eaten. I'm thinking we should eat all the food that is REALLY bad for us. Mike and I eat relatively healthy, so I think we should go all out for Christmas :)
um...if you haven't checked out Paper n' Stitch yet, you really should.
I just signed myself up for another month. I really like it.
I can't really tell if it's added to my sales. Mostly because I am also signed up over at Trunkt this month too, and Etsy doesn't provide any stats as far as how people find your shop...
It's funny that a site like Flickr provides awesome stats. For free...
Anyway, I just really like the ladies who run it, and it's really easy to manage.
Also, I love the layout. It's really cute.
So check out my shop and leave a heart! Just click on the little heart up in the left hand corner.
The person who has the most hearts at the end of the month wins a free month and $150 bucks! Sweet! :)
Alright, hope everyone had a great weekend!
Chloe did. She got lots of playing and napping in. Tough life...
This time next year, you will be back home and I will be living in Toronto!
your dog is so incredibley cute. and I love your boyfriends impressions, hehe.
we cant afford to go home either, for the second year in a row. It stinks, but I guess thats what comes with getting married and starting your own family and traditions.
we got each other pajamas that we will open christmas eve. I already know that the pajamas my husband got me, are one piece footie pajamas. I am beyond excited to put them on and look like a giant kid in them.
The top photo is making me smile so much!
I tried to click the little heart over and over but I would only register 1 click.
what a great place the paper n stitch site is...
v. cute photos...
Christmas here is proving to be a nightmare at the moment, sorting out where to go and when etc...
hope you have a good week.
Jessica! That is the cutest idea ever! What a great little holiday tradition to start :)
I think you can only vote once ;)
Sorry to hear your holiday plans are being difficult, Katherine.
I hope everything works out!
I have a dog named chloe. You can see her on my blog. You guys are adorable. Enjoy the holidays..sometimes its the simple things in life that are the best.
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