Monday, April 20, 2009

3 weeks!!!


We leave in three weeks.
I was going to give you a run down on the thoughts running through my head, but decided I would keep my panic attack to myself. Spare you all the ugly details. Instead I'll leave you with some of the images from my lovely rainy day :)

Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts...


Elizabeth said...

Three weeks will be gone before you know it! That last photo looks like it would make a good painting... :)

Janice La Verne said...

ok... this may be of no help at all, but when i am panicky about stuff, i use a timer. i make myself focus for, say 20 minutes and then i set the time for 15 minutes and just goof off.

probably not of help, but if there is anyway to help you during these 3 weeks let me know, even if it's support over the internet airwaves!


Michele Maule said...

I agree Elizabeth! I was thinking I would paint it!

Thanks for the support Janice!
I think things will get better once Michael is done writing his thesis paper. He can help me start to organize and get things ready to pack...

sigh. I can't wait to be home again...

Wende said...

How excited are you to be back in this wet weather, er, Northwest? :D

And you will get it all done. Yes, yes you will.