Wednesday, December 30, 2009


So....the snow is gone! Whoohoo! That lasted less than 24 hours. :)

In other news, I got lots of work done today! Whoohoo! Started two new paintings, put some finishing touches on two other paintings, and finished two illustrations today. I feel like I'm on a role.

Tomorrow is the last day of 2009. I'm looking forward to the new year. I think it's going to be a great one.

Hope everyone else h
ad a good year. Cheers to the new one! :D


sMacThoughts said...

I'm gonna try to be more like the ones in your illustration... constantly creating! Happy New Year!

nacherluver said...

cute, cute, cute!

Michelle Brunner said...

These are great illustrations! Love your style:) Happy New Years!

Janice La Verne said...

These are super!!! I especially like that the man is sewing. That makes me happy. (you know I'm older than you so men didn't do much sewing back when)

Anyway, they are really good.