Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I've finally posted a new painting in my shop. Yay!

What a day...
It hasn't been great, there were some moments...but in general I feel like I should have just stayed home. I know in the long run it's great that I got into my studio, and I feel really good about that, it's just that it felt like everything went wrong today.

Oh well.
It's over. Tomorrow is a new day.

I did get two paintings finished and photographed. So that's a plus. I just wish I had more hours in the day.

Well, hope everyone is having a good Wednesday, or Thursday, depending on where and what time you are reading this :)


Almay Alday said...

Love the painting!

Sleepandhersisters said...

I hate wrong days... but I love the new typewriters.

claire platt said...

love the paintings! everyone has an off day + if an off day for you still involves finishing two paintings that is pretty impressive still! a definate plus!

Gloria Freshley Art and Design said...

Happy New Year Michele! I'm sure great things are in store for you in 2010! Looking forward to seeing your painting in its finished state. I've been enjoying your print of the Steel Bridge. Best!