Thursday, March 4, 2010

This Feels Right

I've been really getting back into the Etsy groove this week.

I've made six new items for my shop, I've been participating in the forums and on Twitter, and I feel like I'm getting back into a nice routine.

I think one of the most important thing you can do for your Etsy shop is to post new items weekly and really promote yourself.

Doing all this has kept me busy, and that's a good thing for sure.
Sometimes I feel like if I don't stay busy doing something I'll just drive myself crazy with my thoughts. I guess that's one of the great benefits of making art for me. It helps me stay sane. Well, sometimes...

Today is going well. It's a beautiful warm day and I'm thinking of heading down to First Thursday. I haven't been in such a long time...

Maybe I can get some pictures to share.
Hope everyone's day is going well :)


Miss Pompadour said...

Thank you for the helpful hints and those birds are so lovely!

Jenipher Lyn said...

I'm glad you're feeling a groove of things.

I completely understand not taking care of yourself. AND staying busy to keep your mind a float.

I hope you have a great weekend!!


Art by Trina said...

Glad you are getting back into etsy again. Sometimes it's good to take a break, breathe and focus and dive right back in. I try to do this every month. Thanks for posting :)

Janice La Verne said...

Hi Michele,

I've been kinda floundering too, too much work life and not enough art life. It's a challenge being an artist and some days and times are better than others!

College Term Papers said...

This is such a great news, it really helps, Your blog is nice and informative. Thanks for the article.

Term Papers said...

Birds are lovely and beautiful

Term papers

Etsy Vintage Community said...

Lovely photo of your work table. Must be a common thing with us artsy folk; keeping the right brain busy so the thoughts are at bay...