Sunday, November 14, 2010


Sales have really been few and far between the last couple of months. November is usually one of my busiest Etsy months and I'm hearing crickets in there right now. What gives?

It's so discour
aging. It's making me doubt myself and really wonder what it is that I'm doing here. Is my work that terrible? Is it the economy? Does anyone even shop on Etsy? Maybe a little of all of the above?

I don't know. I think the best thing th
at I can do right now is to keep going. Keep making work. Keep trying and hopefully all of it will pay off in the end. Right now I'm thankful I have a job so I at least have a roof over my head ;)

I hope everyone h
ad a good weekend! I'm really looking forward to mine, and all the work that I'll make. :)


Rodi said...

I feel the same way, so we need to just hang in there and hope things will be better. Your paintings are wonderful, so it's not you! :) Maybe the other reasons...
Have a wonderful week and a very creative weekend!

amy said...

Your work is fabulous and I think it's just the economy is not all the way there yet. The last thing to happen might be art sales I don't know? My artist friend recently told me that although we haven't sold anything we have gotten better as artists and when the time comes we will be set and ready! Not sure if that helps or not. :)

nacherluver said...

Looking at my neck of the woods? It's the economy for sure. My area has mega unemployment, home foreclosures, a climbing crime rate. Can't see too many buying anything but necessities. That's the beauty of the internet! You get to tap customer resources from around the globe! Hang in there. It's definitely not your art. Your work is beautiful.

Madilyn Peiper said...

It's definitely the economy, not your fantastic work which I myself wish I had the money to buy! Sadly, there's just little room for luxuries these days.

Melody said...

It's hard to sell art on etsy. All I know is that I've had my art on display in a low traffic coffee shop and had more sales there in two weeks than on etsy in six months. Maybe the whole year.

I need to look into other venues to start making better sales. I bet your art would sell well in person too, I love the feather.

SleightGirl said...

I think it's like that for almost everyone, and since you're not alone, it's not you, it's the economy...keep at it, and just think how full your shop will be for next year when it's booming again.

Anonymous said...

In my area as well it's the economy. I think people will be mainly looking for sales or great deals when it comes to gift giving this season. Hang in there though - your art is beautiful.

Cthings said...

I understand how you feel. I know I have been evaluating myself. I think your art is beautiful. Probably like everyone else it is the economy. I have talk to some people and they are spending less for gifts. That can make a difference. Just keep working hard and it will come.

M.M.E. said...

I'm in the same place. However, I've discovered that as soon as I voice my fears, like you just did, a huge wave of sales comes my way. Usually the worst drought comes right before the biggest flood. Your work is gorgeous and you surely continue making beautiful pieces and nice sales.

O'Reilly Ink said...

I think it's like that for most right now. October was my worst month yet. It's starting to trickle in a little bit, so I hope it just keeps picking up.

Sara said...

Michelle your work just keeps getting better and better so it ISN'T YOU! The economy is still quite slumped - even with the holidays. Even myself who would love to buy your feather or new birds illustrations cannot because I'm soon to loose my day job. Sucky. But I'd be scooping up prints of yours for holiday gifts if I could.
Glad you are financially covered despite and just keep the faith.

Miss Pompadour said...

I was looking through the Open Studio Tour on etsy and saw an illustration of spools hanging on the wall, that looks like it could have been done by you. Is it yours?

Michele Maule said...

Thank you all for the encouraging words! It means so much :)

I'm going to keep plugging away!

yes, Katherine, that illustration is mine. I had no idea it was in that article. Thank you.

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

I discovered your blog a while back now and only recently came to it again.

I can really relate to this post. I have had no success with my Etsy shop and am seriously considering whether to pursue it or not.

Like Melody mentioned I have experienced a lot more success selling my work through art shows and events where people get to see it in person. I think that's where I'm going to put my energy in the future.

I think your work is absolutely amazing. I really love it.

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

I wanted to add that I think that the economy worldwide has a lot to do with the lack of spending at the moment. I think people are anxious and uncertain about the future and many people are really struggling.

Hopefully soon it will all shift.