Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Exciting Things!

wow, today has been a day.

almost first thing this morning I got an e-mail from the production team of Portlandia asking if they could come pick up a couple of my pieces! What?! That's crazy, I know.

I submitted some work to them when they put out a call to artists last week. I didn't think anything would come of it, and then today I got the email. I am pretty sure that the show is going to mock, heckle, and poke some sort of fun at all the pieces that they decide to use. So I am preparing myself, and getting my skin tough. It could be possible that it doesn't even make it on the show. We won't find out until Fall, but it's still a fun idea!

The other thing I wanted to mention, that I thought was exciting, was that I am going to have a little opening at a shop in Portland called Twill. On July 30th, from 4-8pm, I'll be having a little part at their shop. I'll be selling some prints and framed pieces! Yay!

What a fricken' busy month. I hope I can get out and enjoy the summer weather, before it disappears, soon!


Alex with Attic Antics said...

Lots of great things happening for you, congrats! So cool about Portlandia – please do post updates on what happens with that :)

Cathy said...

Congrats Michele!!! I LOVE Portlandia!!!! That is so awesome! I wish I could go to your show. Come to Colorado! :)

Michele Maule said...

Thanks ladies! :)

I'll try to keep it updated!

nacherluver said...

Good for you! Congrats.
Who do you use to get your prints made? I'm always on the lookout for a good printer. Thanks!

Jenipher Lyn said...

Wow!! How stellar!!