Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Friday!

Well, for most people it is ;)
For me it's the start of my other job work week.

I was able to get so much done this morning!
I updated my Big Cartel shop and even listed a new small painting in my Etsy shop.

and now I'm blogging!

I think I'm going to try to take Chloe for a short walk this morning. She's doing really well and I'm afraid she is getting a bit depressed because of her lack of walks and play time..
Just a few more days until those stitches come out. I've already promised her a long walk up at Mt. Tabor and a romp around the awesome dog park there.

Hope everyone has a great and safe weekend!


Janice La Verne said...

Michele, I'm just catching up with your blog and reading all about Chloe. Please know you both are in my thoughts. Our animal loves are precious beyond words.

Michele Maule said...

Thank you Janice.
She's doing really well, and healing quickly. Just hoping we never have another scary tumor like that one.

Yna said...

Hi there, a few minutes ago I find your Blog ;-)
And I really like your drawings.