Sunday, February 17, 2008

Busy Weekend!

Holy cow it was a busy weekend.

I got a lot of homework done, painted, and took Chloe to her first Boston Terrier Meet-Up!

She did really well. She still got sick quite a bit, but there were times that it looked like she was trying to have fun.

Everyone was really nice and understanding about it. No one freaked out like they did at her first doggie meet up. We had a lot of fun. There were so many little Mushy faces!! There were a couple of puppies that were Chloe's age, and a little 9 week old Frenchie!! So freakin' cute!!! Chloe made a couple of friends...but mostly hid in the corners or in between Mikey's feet. We got home and she just passed out on the bed...snoring with her tongue hanging out of her mouth....

It's good for her. Hopefully she'll grow out of this weird little anxiety soon.

I gotta get more homework not a long post tonight.
Hope everyone had a good relaxing weekend. It's almost time for Monday....

1 comment:

Archie and Melissa said...

Hi Michele!
I am a friend of Linda O'Neil's. I just have to tell you how much I love your work, and chloe is adorable!
I love squished faced doggies too!
Have a great evening!