I love Christmas.
Love it.
I mostly love getting presents.
The family and friends thing is great too, but I love presents. I'm not going to lie.
I mean. Yeah. It would be awesome to hang out with my family and friends this time of year, but since that's not going to happen, I might as well get down right excited about getting gifts. Right?
More snow last night, and more tomorrow, and even more tomorrow night.
I ordered some cute boots on Piperlime last night to celebrate my 400th sale :D Yay!
That is pretty freakin awesome if I do say myself, and totally warrants a new pair of boots. Besides, these boots are pretty practical, so it's money well spent. They will also make really good rain boots for when I move back to Portland, and I think they'll look really cute with some knee socks and a skirt :)
It's just hard spending money on myself when I don't make a lot of it.
400 sales though. That's pretty cool.
So yeah, that was my weekend.
I decided to extend my sale a little bit, so it's still going on.
Here's a link to the sale section.
Hope everyone is having a good Monday.
wow congrats on 400! It seems like only a couple of weeks ago you were celebrating 300! I hope my boyfriend was one of your December customers!! ;)
Hi Michele I love your work so much and Congratulations!!!! And yes getting presents is so much fun, although I don't get to many anymore I have kids :( so buying your own always works too :)
hi Michele,
you made me laugh! i love that you love getting presents... what i love is lights and making some cookies.
I am so glad I was reading along on your blog via etsy a year or so ago!
Happy 400th, you deserve it, you give a lot!
I hope so too tanyBug! :D
You're so money.
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