Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today went a bit smoother than yesterday.

Got some work done, but mostly took a break today.
Hung out with my neighbor Kelly, drank some afternoon drinks, and got all caught up on my gossip magazines! Yay!

I did manage to get two small paintings done, some orders put together, and some more prints to send out to Tilde, in Portland, Oregon.

My show in July is almost done! I have two more illustrations to do and frame, and then it's just touching up and putting the finishing touches on the paintings.

Oh! also, I bought tickets to fly out to San Diego in July!! yay! I'm going to fly down to see my friend Kim, then we are going to rent a car and drive up to Bakersfield to attend the opening of my show at Surface Gallery! I'm so excited and happy about this. It should be a lot of fun. I'm mostly excited that Kim will be able to attend not only one of my openings, but my first solo show.

Yes! Okay...that's all I got today. Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday!


Art Kitten said...

A HUGE congrats on the Solo Show!!!

Unknown said...

Oh Michele, congratulations on the solo!
Hope that I could run my solo soon. :) hahah.. just a dream maybe :)

Michele Maule said...

Thank you!! :D I'm excited!

bopbopdesigns said...

Sounds like a great day! Congratulations on the solo show!