Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I haven't done anything productive in days...
I seriously need to get on the b
all. I just haven't been into it.
I feel burned out. I feel tired
and totally lacking motivation. I'm over it.

So, in other news.............I w
as social today! Go me!
I m
ade a new friend a little while ago. His name is Kenny Corbin, and he is a fantastic photographer. You can visit his Etsy shop here, and his Flickr page here.

We h
ad fun. Got coffee and food and hung out in lovely Pontiac, Michigan.
Chloe seemed to like him,
and was happy to make a new friend.

I knew this would h
appen. I knew, when I moved here, that I would start making friends about a month before we left for Portland. I knew it, and I was right. It always happens to me.

Oh well. I'm hoping to keep in cont
act with both Shannon and Kenny, and a few other people I've met this last month or so...
Hope everyone is h
aving a good Tuesday. Hopefully my motivation finds me soon, and I'll have more things to share!


Shannon said...

Hah! I called Kenny right as he was driving home from Pontiac! I was so jealous that you both hung out!! We will stay in touch. You inspire me. You had me at painting of a tea cup..... i did not just say that.

tangled sky studio said...

hi michele...i think it's spring coming in at a snail's pace that has us thrown off (the snow doesn't help). anyways...i can't believe it's only one month until your move (four little weeks-can you believe it?).


Michele Maule said...

I can't believe it Beth. Four weeks. It's crazy...!!! :D

Unknown said...

Making new friends always makes for a happy day!!

Carla Hernandez said...

i've been admiring your work on etsy for awhile so i'm really glad to have found your blog. don't know how i didn't come across it sooner. well, you're definitely not alone in feeling lack of motivation! it's been plaguing me for a few days now...