Friday, May 29, 2009


It's Friday.
There's always a buzz in the air on Fridays. I feel it anyway.

It's been a great last few days. Last night we rode our bikes up to alberta for Last Thursday.
Portland has a First Thursday, too, but a few years ago The Pearl District (where First Thursday is held) required you to have a permit to sell art on the street. So, all of the artists who sell art in the street decided that they would just go up to alberta, on the last Thursday of the month. It started out pretty small, but over the last few years it's gotten pretty huge. They have to close down a good portion of the street now, to accommodate all the pedestrians and street performers.

I'm not usually that into Last Thursdays, but just the idea that I could ride my bike somewhere, where a lot of people would be, made me really happy. It made me even more happier when I ran into a couple of people I know :)

We are almost done with moving in. I'm settling into my new office as I type this. There are a few things that still need to be done. as soon as they are, I will for sure post pictures to share with you!

For now I'll share the two new prints I posted today!
Hope everyone has a good weekend!! :D


Sleepandhersisters said...

I know what you mean about fridays...

Janice La Verne said...

I'm so impressed with how quickly you are getting a home together. wow...

i too love Portland. Last time we visited we walked up and down Alberta, I had no idea, it's such a cool neighborhood. We have friends who live there.

I'm very happy for you, for your joy in being where you want to be!

Jeanne said...

I love the Friday feeling. The weekend beckons, full of possibilities.