Monday, June 1, 2009

New Studio!

So I went to check out my new studio yesterday, as well as move some stuff in!

I kind
a went into it sight unseen, but I had a really good feeling that it would be a great fit. I was right! I like the space I have, and I really like the people that work there too. I haven't met all of them, but I've known several for sometime now, and I'm really happy to be working along side them once again.

Rochelle Koivunen is
a fantastic person and I am also a big fan :)
aik Faulk is also a great painter who has a space there. You can visit his Etsy shop here.
another Etsy seller, Michelle Ramin, also has a space there! I love her work too.

I think having this space is going to influence my work in so many different, amazing ways. I feel that the work that I've been making the last year and a half has really been lacking something. I like the ideas that I've had behind most of my work this last year, but honestly, I haven't been really that happy with the outcome of some of it. I think being in a space like this, with so much creative energy, and talent, is really going to push me in some wonderful directions.

Rochelle h
as some really terrific ideas for the commons space as well. a gallery and a dance floor, for dance parties is in the brain works :) We also want to get a small print making studio space together as well.

I'm so looking forw
ard to being a part of this little art community, and I've already got some ideas brewing!

I'm re
ally looking forward to sharing more of my space once I've completed moving in, and get working again.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Art by Trina said...

I love the possibilities of a new studio especially in a collective!
Good Luck and have fun!

Sleepandhersisters said...

you lucky lucky thing, can't wait to see the work you produce in your new studio.

tangled sky studio said...

so exciting...i wish you all the best michele!

Megan Chapman said...

Very exciting.
As you know I have been moved into my new studio space for about 6 weeks. It is great to be able to leave home and get to work around other artists.
We have a common area too, and that is where all the ideas brew..
It is fun, challenging, inspiring, and then with of course a pinch of drama in the mix.

I know this environment is influencing my work as I am sure it will yours. I having some bigger and different ideas that are similar in someways as when I was still in school (the last time I was in a communal art space)and that is invigorating.

Best of luck with it all. I am so happy you are home and moving forward- I know amazing things are to come. :)

Shannon said...

so awesome!!!!! you deserve it!

sMacThoughts said...


Leah Virsik said...

A blank slate. Congratulations Michele! I'm excited to see what you come up with. I follow you daily and it's enjoyable to read about your journey. Thanks for sharing!

Janice La Verne said...

you know how you can get really excited for a person because you know how exciting it was when the same event happened in your life?

i'm so excited for you about a new studio. endless possibilities, how will you arrange it, decorate it, it looks great to me already!

i'm really happy for you. and that you have community around you.


Jeanne said...

Good Luck with your new sutdio and collective. It will be fun seeing how it all works out over time. Congradulations.