Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Paintings

So I didn't get much done today.

Lots of ideas running through my head, but I don't really know what direction to go just yet.
I've also been trying to brainstorm so new ideas for venues to sell at.

I'm thinking maybe I'll just do a yard/art sale at my house. I mean, all the craft fairs aren't for months, and the last one we had, well, we made some pretty good money. Maybe I just need to take some matters into my own hands, instead of relying on other people/events to do it for me. I don't know...something to think about.

Well, I did get these few paintings finished today too. I am having a very hard time photographing them. I just can't seem to find the right light in my house...I'll have to re-take these at some point, but I really wanted to get them listed today.

Well, hope everyone is having/had a good Wednesday :)


Pyzahn said...

This is my first time here. I love -- love -- your work.

Michele Maule said...

Thanks Pyzahn!

That's a great idea Christine! I know we are going to have an open studio in October, which will be great. Right now we are still working on the space. There is a gallery space that needs some work, and I know there is talk of putting in a dance floor. :)

But, until then, maybe we could have some sort of group sale thing...I'll definitely think about this some more. :D

Anonymous said...

How about a studio sale with the other studio folks in your building. It's interesting to see artists' work spaces. Your work would be great in a local coffee shop or business...good way to get local exposure. The chairs are beautiful.

Michele Maule said...

Thanks Laura :)
I've been trying to contact some local coffee places, but I can't seem to get a response.

I'm starting to feel a little invisible. Maybe moving to Portland was a bad business decision...

cabin + cub said...

Love your work! It's so cute!

I am debating on craft sales this summer as well, not so sure if I should just wait it out until fall.

Jennifer Mullin said...

I love this new work Michele! Keep doing what you're doing.

I am having a similar issue with photographing my new work. The photos just arent doing it justice. That seems to be the problem with selling online. You don't get the whole aesthetic experience that you do in person.

tangled sky studio said...

hey michele the chair paintings look fab! transitions are never as easy as we think they will'll be in the swing of things sooner than you think though in your great new space.


Kelly said...

I hear you on the photographing part. I was trying to do some earlier today with mixed results. I take mine outside (when it's not raining) and everything sort of tints blue. I have a good camera so I don't know what it is. Anyway, I love your new work.
I am sure you have already checked (and I am not sure what side you are on) but there are some great coffee houses that display work here in SE. Good luck.

Megan Chapman said...

You are not invisible...
You just got back.. it takes time.
Have your own show at your house/yard like you mentioned.
Do it up right with press releases, tons on blog entries about it, flyers all over Portland and get your name out there again. I had a studio sale in my back yard soon after I had moved back to town, and it was hugely successful, a lot of fun, and I had a guest book which then gave me a lot of new contacts and put me on peoples radars as an artist.

I have seen your booth photos- you know how to make any space inviting.

Don't wait. You also never know who may show up.. A friend of a friend of a important gallery owner?? Dede Peters (of the ddp gallery) showed up at mine way back in the day- and bought several pieces... and she now represents me. Who is going to show up at yours?

ps. I just posted my blog, and I think you might relate to it this week.

pps. I love your new chair works!

Janice La Verne said...

i was amazed when you said you hadn't gotten much done!!! you have done so much work since only being back a short while...

you are an incredibly productive artist.

i vote with all who said it will happen.

look how slow I go, it takes me so long to finish a painting!!!

oh well, i hope this didn't sound preachy, i wanted to be supportive!!


lolly-jolly said...

i love your paintings. such a great style they have! these old chairs are gorgeous!

Shannon said...

Just remember how great we did with putting on Spring Fling. You can do something yourself!