Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fall is On the Way

Okay, I know there are probably a few more hot days in store for us in Portland, but I can certainly tell that Fall is on the way. One of the signs of fall here are very large spiders making appearances in bushes and trees throughout the neighborhoods.

I found this one this morning while t
aking Chloe for her morning. Eeks!! So creepy! I don't mind them too much if they are outside. However, if I had seen this guy in my house I probably would have totally freaked out. Like calling Mike at work asking him to come home to kill it for me freaked out. Yeah...gross.

I'm re
ally looking forward to Fall. It's one of my favorite times of year.
Hope everyone is h
aving a good week so far :)


Art Kitten said...

It already feels like fall here, especially in our new house, I have to wear a stocking cap to keep warm! I am looking forward to the changing leaves, though. I bet Portland is beautiful in the fall.

Janie B said...

I can't believe how unseasonably cool it is here in Arkansas. Usually, we are melting in August and September. It ordinarily doesn't get cool her until Halloween. But, this summer has been quite comfy. Fall is a terrific time of year. I'm loving this coolness.

Jennifer DeDonato said...

We have these here in Houston also...yuck, yuck, yuck. They are always busy working on my porch and I end up walking into the webs.

Tia Colleen said...


Thats what happens to my fingers when you post pictures of spiders. I have no idea what the post said, haha.

Jessica said...

I've been noticing the big, creepy spiders too!

heidi said...

Yup. Every fall we get Giant European House spiders IN my house and I pretty much lose all rationality and FREAK out on them. Kill, kill! Apparently they like to come inside during the fall to find a 'mate'. So beyond CREEPY.