Monday, October 12, 2009

The Days are Getting Shorter

I took yesterday off and did absolutely nothing. Nothing. It was great. I think I really need to do that much more often.

ait! I did do some things...I listened to the Where the Wild Things are Soundtrack and fell in love with it. Karen O is fantastic.

I do feel a tad guilty for not getting into my studio the last couple of weeks...but...I am really excited about getting back to work. I don't really have any ideas or plans, I'm just really looking forward to being there, in that space.

Well, it's almost mid-October and it seems like summer has been hanging on there until, well, yesterday. It's cold and the rain is suppose to set in this week. Good-bye sun. See you in June.

I hope everyone has a good Monday, a good start to the week.


Janice La Verne said...


will the show be up Oct. 23rd? I'll be in P'land for a workshop...


Candice McLean said...

HUGE sendack fan and i'm anxious to see the movie. thanks for sharing karen o's song... loving it! btw... HUGE fan of your work. ciao!

Anonymous said...

The soundtrack did rock, didn't it?!