Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sleepy Time

It's fall in my neighborhood and I am thoroughly enjoying the colors and the cooler, rainy, weather. These are some of the trees I captured on my morning walk last week.

Fall has to be one of my favorite times of year.
The colors, and the smells, and the rain, are my absolute favorite things.

I'm getting back into my studio after being on a hiatus for awhile. I have a couple of new ideas for paintings, and I'm hoping to get started on them tomorrow.

I was recently asked to have my art be in a film that's coming out next fall. Of course I said yes! How cool. It's called "The Town" and my work will be in in the room of the main characters girlfriend's apartment :) So cool!

Well, I hope everyone has a good week!


Gloria said...

That is very exciting -- your art in a movie for all to see! Congrats Michelle!

Anonymous said...

wow that is sooooooo cool!!! Congrats!!!! Exciting I can't wait to see it!!

Miss Pompadour said...

Oh boy! I will see the movie just to see your art in it!! Good for you!

Jingle said...

Those are great photos!

VERY exciting news!!! Yay for you!

sMacThoughts said...

Wow...your art as a movie star?! Very cool, my congratulations! I've been enjoying walking around in the rain here in NYC....dark, dismal, leaf-strewn sidewalks with a confetti of leaves raining down as well.... love this time of year.

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations that is so cool!

Sleepandhersisters said...

Love the leaves... and the idea of one of your paintings in a movie, that is the coolest thing.

Alisha said...

Wow! This is awesome.

Lily said...

the leaves are very colorful where i am too! but your photos are much better than any of mine.

Wes said...

I cant wait to see the Movie, I will watch it for no other reason that to be able to see your art. :)