I've come to the realization that I don't know how to cook.
I can cook some things...mostly soup, or stew, or pasta dishes...some pasta dishes. I'm really good at cutting things up and throwing them together, mostly. I've never had any real interest in cooking, or baking, really.
Often times I get so bust with other things that I forget to eat, or I just don't have time to make anything with substance. So mac n' cheese, tomato soup, and grilled cheese sandwiches are my staples.
So, I've decided that I am going to try to cook something for myself at least a couple of times a week. Hopefully...I got a bunch of free cooking magazines from work, and I'm hoping to study them tonight for some inspiration.
I'd love if you would share some of your quick and easy, no fuss, recipes with me! :) What are some of your favorite things to make? What do you rely on during busy times? Please let me know! I would love to hear them.
Hope everyone had a great Thursday!
ps this is one of my newer illustrations!
If I know I'm looking at a busy busy few days I'll set aside the time to make a couple of quiches. Quiche is one of those foods that can be eaten for any meal. The quiche I make is pretty well altered from your typical rich french version. I use less egg & cheese and way more veggies. I basically pack as many sauteed veggies as I can into the pie crust, whip up 3 - 4 eggs depending on egg size with a little bit of milk, pour it over the veggies, sprinkle the top with grated cheese and then bake for 40 minutes on 375. What you get is basically a veggie pie perfect for grab and go munching with lots of nutrients to keep you going. You can put just about anything into a quiche - tofu, veggies, greens, deli meat - I've even made one using leftover lentils & rice.
Or maybe I'm just a nut ; )
Spaghetti and soups are good and easy. I like using the crockpot for soup and throw the stuff in there and turn it on. It's ready quickly and I didn't have to do much work! Minestrone is my favorite. Oh and I like to do penne with zuchinni and put it in the carton of roasted red pepper and tomato soup. Sprinkle with parmesan and yum!
i like the illustration...
i too am a non-cook and my mom didn't like to cook, but i like to eat. i rely on Kristin's cooking blog for ideas! the thing i eat a lot is roasted veggies which is EASY and tastes good. just chop up lots of veggies, toss with olive oil, garlic and some herbs and spread on a pan and roast at 350 for an hour or so. yum.
and i thought it was so funny you had a dream about me!!!
Pasta salad, soup, breakfast for dinner, steak, and fish are my easiest, quickie meals. The large, frozen entrees at Costco are delish, easy and last for days for 1-2 people. Also the mashed potatoes at Costco--super fast and very tasty side dish, toppings are endless. Baked potatoes are always easy and yummy. Big salads are my dream but it's hard to find produce that's good this time of year. Sometimes we just have what I call a 'snack plate': cheese, cold cuts, crackers and fruit.
I have recipes on both of my blogs, too--just search 'food' or 'cooking' in the archives. :)
Great illustration! I can relate - when I get into a painting groove simple things like cooking for myself get thrown out the window.
Assuming you aren't a vegetarian, I just got a full roaster chicken that you cook in a bag. You just cut a whole in the top of the bag and put it in the oven for about an hour and a half. So easy and it came out great! I can't remember the brand but you should have something similar in your own grocery store. Another thing I like to do is use allrecipes.com and plug in ingredients we have in the kitchen - lots of recipes will come up with a search that include those ingredients. It just gives you a place to start when your mind is on other things.
It was rather interesting for me to read the article. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to them. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.
We love making roasted chicken breasts, we brown them on the stove top on a stainless steel sauce pan then finish cooking them in the oven, they turn out great. We also cook steaks the same way. We have different kinds of salads too, steak salad, taco salad, chicken salad, etc
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