So some things are going to change around here.
Right now I have a little office where I do most of my gouache illustrations, and I also pack up my orders here.
I'm thinking of moving everything to my studio. It's kind of a temporary pain in the rear, but I think I might like it. I don't know. I do like the option of working at home if I'm bored...which is rare.
I just kind of want everything in one place.
I'm feeling better by the way. There is something about Tuesdays that just don't sit right with me. I can't put my finger on it. I always feel so depressed, and no matter how much I prepare myself for it, it never seems to be okay.
anyway, maybe the move to the studio will also be good.
Yeah. Changes need to happen.
I got these two new typewriters up in my shop today!
I really love the Royal typewriter. These illustrations have inspired me to do some more collage work and painting on panel. I'm excited about that.
Oh! I finally got the Craft book cover finished! Whoohoo!
Hope everyone is having a great week so far.
I just found your shop and blog via twitter! I love your gouache works and your colour sense in general.
I also feel the way you do about tuesdays, but for me it comes on wednesdays... Almost over, though.
Thanks so much for sharing! I'll be following your new blog.
I have an idea for your upcoming Tuesday.
Embrace it! Celebrate it! Tell it you fear Tuesdays no longer and that it is now your very utmost favorite day on the calendar page :)
Plan something fun.
Make your "to do" list do-able.
Love Tuesdays to pieces and mean it.
See if your change in Tuesday attitude changes your Tuesday ;)
Can't hurt!
Oh and good luck!
nacherluver i love that advice....i'm going to tuck it away for myself! michele i'm glad to hear you've felt the shift....
I love your art work. I came across your wonderful pieces on the Etsy forum.
I am also an artist, I sew very little, but I am passionate about knitting.
Cheers, here is to the Northwest!
Sounds good to have it all in one realm. Will feel more organized and tidy. I have a question for you...did you ever take printmaking at PSU? Just wondered b/c I'm signed up for it in spring term. Tuesday are just so far from the weekend...that must be why it gets you down. :)
Your advice on Tuesday is great Nacherluver. I love it and that is my plan for my next Tuesday.
apt3design, I did take printmaking at PSU. It was my major :) If you have class with Elenore Erskine, tell her I said hi and that I send my love :)
i found you through tangled sky. LOVE these illustrations! especially the women! best & all blooming your way!!
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