Tuesdays are not my days at all.
I hung my show last night and it looks good in the space.
Wendy, who curates Stumptown did a great job.
I'm not really happy with the work I did...
I feel like I should have had more and that I could have done an overall better job.
Coulda, shoulda, woulda.
It's a dreary Northwest day.
I feel drained. Emotionally and physically.
I'm taking a few days off next week and I think I need it. It's past due.
I've been doing a lot of contemplating today. Trying to figure out what I'm doing. Trying to come up with a plan and make sense of my life right now.
So far this plan includes taking care of myself. Something I feel I have been neglecting. I really need to be nicer to myself.
Working on improving my work. Refining and editing it. Trying to find a new source of inspiration. Taking it to another level.
also in this plan is living in the moment more. Mindful thinking. This is the hardest of them all. Trying not to think of the past, or the future, but to focus on what I am doing this very minute. Breathing and typing.
all of these things are going to take time and lots of patience. I can't give up myself.
Your paintings look great! Days off are good and head-clearing. Spring will be here soon and inspiration will abound! I hope the rest of your week is better!
this particular tuesday was not my day either. your blog post made a lot of sense to me. it hit home in many ways.
I love your work and hearing about your process and that you get to go to a studio! The weather can get you down but there's beauty ahead. :) We are always hardest on ourselves so be nice and do something nice for yourself you deserve it.
I just heard about a movie - I think it's called The Single Man or something, directed by Tom Ford. It's supposed to be about living in the moment. It sounded good. Maybe that would help! Either way I think we all have those thoughts!!
I am hearing you... I hope you have a good relaxing few days off next week, taking care of yourself and get what you need sorted.
oh yeah- new inspiration, a trip to the shore, a new hair style....shake things up and see what happens. your work is amazing and even though you may not feel it (today) we all see your talent shining through....
Thanks for the kind words. :)
;) Things will get better, I'm feelin' you though.
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