Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One More

another great, solid, day in my studio. I'm finding that getting there early is the best way for me to work. I won't share my progress today. I thought I'd take a breather and share some pictures of my afternoon walk with Chloe.

The sun c
ame out, for the first time in days. I got to wear my new sunglasses! So I snapped some photos of the winter flora.

I love the moss th
at grows here. It spreads over everything and looks like a soft green blanket...
When I w
as a little girl, my grandpa had a moss garden, at his cabin in the woods. I thought it was kind of a silly thing then, but I can't wait to have a house of my own with my own moss garden. I think my grandpa would get a kick out it :)

Oh! I
also finished a new illustration! It is here!


Anonymous said...

Mmmm...a moss garden would feel delightful on your tootsies.

I want a Zen garden for mine.

TheFrogBag said...

I love moss! Very cool photos.

Andrea Dixon said...

Love the photos! Currently, moss tops my list of reasons we should move to Portland:) You're so lucky to walk outside and get to see that.