Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Perfect Day

I had such a great day. whoohoo!

I spent most of my d
ay in my studio, and when I emerged it was 50 degrees and sunny! It was so beautiful. So I took Chloe to the dog park and she played and played. That was at's now 6:30 and she is still totally passed out. Hooray for doggie exercise!

I c
ame home and napped for an hour, and it was a m a z i n g!

are the paintings I worked on today. They're going really well. I started a new one too...

Okie dokie. Th
at's all I got for ya!


Galit said...

I know your shop and art for sometime now and love your illustrations so much!
Didn't know you have a blog as well!
It is great to be able to witness your creation process!
Will come back for more!

nacherluver said...

Wow! That is a great day. Lovin' the artwork as always.


Janice La Verne said...

Hi Michelle,
I really like the figures in your paintings. They always look right at the peak of contemplation. Great work.
I'm going to write down the crafty wonderland dates right now. It would be so fun to come see you in action!