Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

It's Halloween!

Nate's is on the right!
Nate and I carved pumpkins yesterday, and he made some tasty pumpkin seed snacks. This is out first Halloween living in a house, and I'm really hoping to get lots of Trick or Treaters. We've got a couple of bags of candy, some Halloween hats, and some decorations. Hopefully we get some kids! 

 Halloween also marks the beginning of working 40+ hours a  week at my day job...

Well, it's only for a couple of months, then I'll be back to part time day job, and full time art making. Besides, with two Chloe surgeries, my funds are very tight right now. Working extra hours will definitely be very helpful right now.

Speaking of pups, Chloe had her stitches out this morning and is almost fully mended. Hooray!

Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Halloween!

1 comment:

Sleepandhersisters said...

love your pumpkins!!!

We don't really do Halloween here in New Zealand, although the retailers try and push it.

I got some lollies just in case... but alas I only had two 11 - 12 year olds knock on my door that weren't even dressed up! I told them sorry I didn't have anything for them and ate the lollies myself. I would have given them the whole bag if they had made a bit of an effort.