I cannot wake up this morning.
I slept fine...I am just so tired.
I need coffee, but Mikey isn't here to make it for me. I can't make coffee. I am awful at it...
It always tastes like battery acid.
So I think I might have to go get a coffee...on my way to Home Depot. I am buying my first power tool :) a hand held sander. I am so excited. I usually sand my panels by hand, but now I will have a machine to to do the work for me. Ahhh...machines....
So being alone isn't really all that bad so far. It's kind of nice.
I was thinking about solitude this morning and it reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from May Sarton's Journal of a Solitude.
"I am here for the first time in weeks, to take up my "real" life again at last.
That is what is strange - that friends, even passionate love, are not my real life unless there is time alone in which to explore and to discover what is happening or has happened."
Alright. It's almost 10:30. I really need to get my day started...
Your May Sarton quote makes me want to re-read her journal...must find it.
I saw one of your typewriter prints while cruising the web last week, btw...possibly the Re-Nest website. Sorry I can't remember for sure.
I recommend a French Press for an unbelievably fantastic cup (of easy to make) coffee.
oooOoo sometimes I can't wake up, either, and sleepwalk all day. Your entry with the dreamlike paintings make me feel right in that space.
I second the coffee press!!!
Congrats on your 150th post!
I am having a day like you too, I just woke up, it just felt too good to lay in my blankets with the breeze coming in through the windows. I loved the quote, too. It is very true, I am not a loner either, I love having my mate with me, but the times when he is gone, I feel that I can embrace certain aspects of myself that get lost.
I also third the french press, I make a terrible pot of coffee as well, but I can't go wrong when I use the french press.
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