From 300!
Wow. I started my Etsy shop in March of last year, but I didn't really start listing things until last October...so this month marks the one year selling anniversary for me. I think 300 is pretty damn awesome.
I use to stalk Rachel Austin and Ashely G's shops...just to see how they did things. I was totally blown away with Rachel Austin's shop, and how she reached 300+ sales. She's at 869 now...and well, Ashley G is one of Etsy's top sellers. Maybe I'll get there...someday :)
Anyway, my 300th sale will of course get their order stuffed with lots of goodies!
I am still working on my paintings today. Not a lot of new news there. I did paint the skirt and the shoes in the one painting, and I am rally pleased with them. I'm thinking that I will post them on Etsy, next week. I am really curious as to how people will respond to them. I am not really sure what kind of price to put on them. They will definitely be priced above what I normally price my paintings at. Pricing is so weird to me sometimes...a year on Etsy and I still don't know how to price my work...
Anyway, look for them in my shop next week :)
Someone bought one of my typewriter illustrations yesterday, and he sent me a link to a portable typewriter forum! How cool. He sent me his blog/website too, and he has an amazing collection of typewriters...very cool.
Lets see...what else is new in my world...not too much...oh!
There is going to be another Boston Terrier meet up in a few weeks, and I think it's a Halloween themed one!! Eeeee!!!! BT's in costumes?! I'm going to take a million pictures...and post them all here. :)
Alright, back to work. Hope everyone is having a good Thursday.
I just want you to know that what those 2 artists were/are to you, You are to me! I love to watch your shop, see what's new, and of course read your blog to see what you are up to!
I hope that doesn't sound weird! lol
You are an inspiration Michele.
I wouldn't have an etsy shop if it weren't for you. I am also happy to say that 2 of your almost 300 sales belong to me.. and I love your work more each day.
Hard work is rewarded and you are proof of that!!!
I love your new work too!! Can't wait to see it in your store> Oh, and please send a picture over to Postapup.com to enter in the costume contest! :)
I'm very pleased I could get you one closer to your 300, but now I wish I was number 300! Your store and work are a big inspiration to me as well. Thank you.
Love the new work. Really nice!
Thanks everyone! :)
Thats so cool! Congratulations! How did you do it? I'm struggling to make sales - any hints and tips? www.deboraheburrow.etsy.com
Tips and tricks...
Hmm....I think this would make a good blog post on Monday! Stay tuned...I'm even going to write it down so I don't forget what I am going to write about... :)
Hey! I've tagged you @ my blog here: http://heranatomy.blogspot.com/
Congratulations Michele! 300 sales is sooo exciting and awesome... your latest works are really inspiring me to attempt some type of self portrait (hmmm...)
I still find every sale- and the idea that someone is connecting with something I've made very exciting...
You were the first Etsy artist I encountered that I connected with, and your writings have inspired and kept me going.
And your 300th sale, YIPEE! that is so great. It's cause the work is so good. It's heartfelt.
congrats, Janice
Congrats on all of the sales. That is a big deal. Someday perhaps I will be there.
I love your shop. One of the days I will own several of your works.
I am also a fan of your blog.
Keep up the great work!
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