It's Monday.
Mondays aren't really my favorite.
I had an interesting weekend. Well, yesterday wasn't much fun.
It was really blah, and homesicky....
Anyway, Saturday was fun.
First I went to this birthday party with my neighbor Kelly.
It was in a funeral home...yeah. Apparently he wanted to mourn the death of his youth, so he held it in a funeral parlor. There were a lot of people I didn't know, and will probably never see again, but that's okay. There was free food, and alcohol and cookies!! So even though it was a little weird and awkward, there was free treats, so I had a good time.
Okay, so then Kelly and I proceeded to Cranbrook for the annual Fan Fare goings on.
Every year Cranbrook hosts a dinner with all the different departments. People come, pay $500.00 a plate, and sit with the department of their choice for the evening. Kelly and I were not invited to this...but we were invited to the after par-tay!!
So there's dancing and alcohol and fun.
Oh! Okay, so I am dancing with this guy...and he looks like he's like 18.
So I ask him how old he is and he says, "Don't worry I'm legal. I'm 20."
Okay...then he asks me how old I am. Which I reply 28. He then says, "Wow. That's almost 30."
Yeah. Well, at least I know they are still teaching kids to count in school. So that makes me happy.
Anyway, Friday and Saturday were great. I could have skipped Sunday all together, but yeah.
So I finished the paintings I have been working on and listed two in my Etsy :)
We'll see how they do. I priced them at $325.00...we'll see how that goes.
Anyway, hope everyone had a good weekend!
sounds like a good weekend... how kooky a funeral party! if you mix the letters of funeral up they spell real fun...
a good feeling when works are finished and listed.
love those paintings they are F-A-B-
Love the paintings...You are awsome, girl!
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