Until we move.
Well, give or take a couple of days...
Yay! Anyway, I had a pretty good weekend. Well, yesterday I was feeling really antsy. I hadn't been out of the apartment for about 4 days...
I think that's one of the hardest things to get use to. We only have one car, and it's too cold and snowy to really walk anywhere. Even if it wasn't cold, there really isn't any where to walk to...
At home I can walk to the grocery store, and Petco, and a great coffee place. 5 months and 1 day...
So I finished my two paintings today, and I think I might list them tomorrow.
Michael is having his second year review as I type. The second year review is big. All of the artists in residence come to your studio and discuss the work you've made during Fall semester. They also start talking to you about what you are going to do for the thesis show. Exciting. I guess they also decide whether or not you should still be in the program...but I've never heard of anyone being asked to leave.
So yeah. Today is a big deal for Mike, but he seemed very confident this morning before he left. I am proud of him. Then, tomorrow, we get to hang out! Sweet.
So okay, I am going to start on some Christmas cards for my family, so I need to get back to work.
Hope everyone had a good weekend.
wow not long now for you till you will be home.
I hope Michaels review goes well.
what is bianchi painting?
I just can't imagine it being too snowy or cold to walk anywhere, our winters are rather mild in comparison.
I really like these pieces. Especially the tea cup, the colors are great and it really makes me want to go get a cup...
Hey Katherine!
The Bianchi Painting is the painting of my bike. The brand of the bike is called Bianchi :)
as always, absolutely beautiful new paintings. We are having a downright blizzard here, I don't think I will be going anywhere for awhile, Maya's school was closed, and the NEVER close Madison's schools!
I love your work Michele, these are both great!
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