Monday, June 22, 2009



I had a great weekend!
Wow. I'm so happy to be home.

Friday night we went to an art opening that so happens to be in our neighborhood. The cite is called Mile Post Five and it's actually a live/work space for artists and artsy kinda people. I was going to write all about it, but I figured I wouldn't be doing it must justice. There is just too much for me to write out. This place is pretty cool, and I suggest you click on this link to read about more.

It was really great to be able to walk there...

The following day we rode to the Farmer's Market that just opened
up in our neighborhood. Very cool. It makes me so happy to see these kinds of things in my very own neighborhood. Things that I can walk to, events that I can ride my bike to. The simplest thing, yet it makes me so unbelievably happy.

I was telling Mike that all our neighborhood needs now is an art supply store :)

On another note, I have been thinking a lot about the comments that were left on my blog over the weekend. I totally agree with everything that everyone said. I'm just being way too hard on myself. Seriously. It's so easy for me to do.

I am loving the idea of the home show, and have been really putting a lot of thought into it. I'm still cooking up some ideas, but I'm hoping that either sometime in July or august to do one.
We kind of did one right before we left for Michigan, and it was a huge success...

So, I'm thinking that yes, we need to have another.

also, I picked up a "craft show" for this Saturday!
I know, I must be crazy...but I decided to do it anyway.

Handmade North West is participating in the KPSU 15 Year anniversary Bash, and the opportunity to vend kinda fell into my lap, so I decided to go with it.

I have no idea how big this is going to be or if I have enough things...but whatever.
I'm just happy to be doing something and meeting some new people, and hopefully make enough money to cover my bills! :D

Well, hope everyone had a great weekend. Sorry for the crazy long blog post!


Sleepandhersisters said...

You weekend sounds like bliss. Must be so wonderful to be able to walk/bike to things like that in your neighbourhood. Good luck with the craft show this weekend.

tangled sky studio said...

so much happiness here!!! (love it.)

bbphoto said...

ok, after several hours, i have finished reading your blog- in it's entirety...some where along the line i added you as a contact on Flickr, and saw that you added i thought i should post here and acknowledge that i was here and will now be a regular reader/follower...etc...