Monday, August 24, 2009


So...I seem to get this question asked of me quite often:

"Why do you make art?"

It's not out of a need to feel ok with the world. It's not really because it feeds my soul. It's not because I really like doing it. I do love making things, and painting, but it's not the only reason why I make art.

I think the reason I make art is because it's the only thing that I feel that I am really good at. It's the only thing in my life that I have ever felt totally confident doing. It's the only thing that I have ever felt that I really knew what I was doing. Even when I don't know, I do know that I can make it work. If that makes any sense at all.

So many things in my life I have failed at. Relationships, friendships, family, jobs. art has been the one constant in my life. It's been the one thing I could rely on to be a constant in my life. I can go back to it time and again and be ok. It's been the one thing I can rely on. always.

and that's it. Just in case you were wondering.


Sleepandhersisters said...

I totally understand these words...

my head is nodding and my lips are smiling.

JenA said...

Love the website!

I also love your Etsy store. I seem to recall some bigger original collages you had of typewriters, but have those been sold...? They were fantastic.


michaelendo said...

You can add puppy love to that list. You can always count on Chloe.

Janice La Verne said...

There is not a soul alive who hasn't had a failure in a's human nature.

art is my fave relationship. if we get into trouble I can leave for a while and then come back. or I can push and shove and make it work.

humans are harder... maybe...


Krystyna81 said...

i totally's hard to define WHY we are artists. I think that's why I ponder my great aunt's and great grandfather's work so I'm just pre-destined, geneticly, to be an artist (and as you can see by my spelling, NOT a writer! :)

Tina said...

Couldn't say it better myself. By-the-way, I like everything on your wish list. :)