Monday, August 1, 2011

Day Dreaming

I painted this illustration this weekend.

I've had this little picture of the Oregon Coast, at Cannon Beach, for years. I've wanted to paint it forever, and I finally did.

I've been thinking about the coast for some time now. I'd love to go visit, but this time of year isn't really possible. Besides, going in the middle of March, or February, is so much fun. There are lots of storms and we usually rent a house with a fire place...It's cozy and very relaxing. Definitely one of my very favorite places to go.

anyway, all the day dreaming of fire places, storms, finding my photo, and thinking about the beach led to this drawing....


tangled sky studio said...

love it...really love it : )

Kelly Anne Powers said...

This is unrelated to the coast (I love the piece btw!) but I was heading into my favorite NE coffee shop on my way into work (on a sunday no less) and when I looked at the walls I thought, "I know this work!" and it was yours. Loved loved loved the pieces in Ristretto on 42nd. Totally made my day. Can't wait to go back and look at them all again.

kerri said...

I'm with you. I much prefer the coast in the winter. There's so much energy there. :)