So...it's Sunday.
My four days of solitude are up!
I had a good time. I handled it very well. It's funny...Michael went to China for 1o days 2 years ago, and I thought I was going to fall apart. My poor room mates didn't know what to do with me...
I think having to work at a crummy job didn't make my situation any better either.
It's nice to see how much I have grown. I think I called him...maybe once? Twice? I don't know.
Yay! I am all grown up :)
So it was really nice spending time alone. I got some work done. Not as much as I would have liked, but you know...that's the way creativity works sometimes.
I'd like to say a big thanks to Megan Chapman! I listened to her play list on her myspace the last two days. It's awesome. I really needed some new music, and I really enjoyed it. I also got a very good mixed cd from a fellow Etisan and I have been listening to that quite a bit :)
I was going to write a blog about music, and how important it is to me and my work, but I didn't really feel like writing a small novel tonight, so maybe some other blog. I will say that music is really important to me. I don't have a television, or even a radio, and I have to have some kind of noise in the house while I am working. So music is played all day. All day...so most of the music I have is memorized to the point where all I have to hear is the first few notes and I can tell you what artist and what song. If they still had Name That Tune on TV I would be a champ!
So that was my weekend. It was good.
I like your drawings very much.
Linda Blondheim
Aww.. That is so sweet. I am so glad my play list was there for you!
I love music, and I understand its importance in my life. I revere it.
It is my constant companion, especially during the creative process.
Anyway, I am so glad you enjoyed it. I am also glad your mister is home as well. I know how that goes too, I could really relate to your time alone. Sounds like you handled it well.
Rock on sister!
Enjoy the peace while you can! (This is coming from Wonder Mom) I too remember the dreaded critques....why....why....? And you realize that you pay these professors for these hours of misery as well?
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